Monday, December 20, 2010

5 More Sleeps!

Can you believe it? Only five.

We are almost ready. Every day the Christmas to do list gets a little shorter. It is almost time to just relax and enjoy the season. I can't wait.

I hope all of you are well and warm, and ready to enjoy your holidays too. Much love from me to you. I really appreciate every single one of you who stop by my blog, and everyone who takes the time to comment. Thank you. I am sending you big, warm, glowy-eyed Christmas-joy vibes, or just regular warm & glowy joy vibes for those that don't do the Christmas thing, either way all sorts of love and gratitude coming your way!


  1. !!!!!!
    I am so far behind, but am very proud of my fierce commitment Not to Panic!

  2. Ahhh, E. I enjoy your blogs so much. Sappy happy wishes of love and joy right back at you!

  3. It's always a joy visiting your blog, wishing you and your family joy & smiles and memories to treasure this Christmas.

  4. glowy christmas gratituteds right back at ya e <333


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