Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 Year Blogiversary & Giveaway

It's been a whole year! Over a year actually (am not very good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries and such in a timely fashion...just ask my sister...sorry Elizabeth. Happy 28th!), it would have been exactly a year on Oct. 24th.

I started this blog as a writing outlet, when I very much wanted to, but couldn't do Nanowrimo last year. This year finds me in a different place. I have the time (being unbusy and all), but realized that I was approaching Nano like a plate of brussel sprouts this time around...sure it would be good for me, but I just don't really wanna right now.

What I really want to do is finish off my Super Nova art journaling course with the ever awesome Julie Prichard, and then mess around in my art journal with all my new skillz. I want to finish my twin nails painting which is still in the works (slow and steady with that one), and start something new, with new colours and texture so deep and rich it makes you want to wrap yourself up in it, like a blankie on a cold day.

I want to make all sorts of Christmassy crafty thingies, and bake Panaforte and Linzer cookies, and do all those little holiday-ish things that will make my boys' hearts glow. I want to talk Kris-muss with the DQ on the phone every night (she starts planning in August!). I want to knock her socks off with the most magical, love-filled, sugar-dusted, pine and cinnamon-smelling holiday of her little life. I want squeals of glee and shining eyes, and kids that feel completely enveloped in familial warmth.

I want to keep blogging here. This blog has become so much more than a mere writing outlet! It is my conduit to the larger world, a place to share, meet friends and to tell the truth of me out loud. I certainly didn't expect all this when I started a year ago. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has taken the time to read or comment, and to those of you who are willing to share yourselves on your own blogs too. Soul food, that's what it is.

So to celebrate this 1 year milestone, I want to do a giveaway...which seems to be the done thing. When I was working on the tree project I did several extras with this in mind (always thinking ahead, am I). Like this one:

12cm x 12cm mixed media on watercolour paper

I would be honoured to send this, and 2 other different Tree art cards out as a thank you for supporting my blog. I wish I had one for each of you! But as it is, I will have to do a draw. Please leave your name and email or blog address in the comments if you would like to take part, and I will do a random draw in one week, on November 10th.

PS I will post about the tree project itself very soon. :)


  1. You know I don't know how to do this. Put ME in the hat. (the one that always uses caps even though it's bad internet etiquette:-o)
    xoxo Deb (who hasn't the patience to learn something new) Stone!!!!!

  2. Oh, good lord! I'd buy those and you're giving them away??
    And how do you always manage to articulate so perfectly the things I feel in my heart? I didn't know what I was looking for online either, other than a place to tell the truth before my head exploded. To find amazing people to look to, listen to, be inspired by, lean on and become stronger and more whole with, well icing. Sparkles and glitter and laughter.
    I'm going to strive for a DQ delight in everything this year, for sparkly eyes all around. Here too, can't wait to see what you paint next or where you go with the nails.
    So very glad we met, thank you internet. :)

  3. "Tell the truth of me out loud." That sentence struck a chord with me, since I haven't myself been doing much of it lately.

    And oooooh, loveliness. Throw my name in the draw. Like Mel said, I'd buy them too. You know my email address.

  4. Pick me! pick me! thefirstofmany@gmail.com oh, yeah, that's right, it's random... i'm random! pick me! pick me!

  5. ooh ooh pick me pick me!!! :)

    I am with K about how you describe your blogging experience. I keep starting these blogs with specific purposes, and then abandoning them... the travel blog, the online teaching and learning blog, the home improvement blog, the political blog, the web design blog, not to mention the Nerdfighters blog where I haven't written anything on my own page for ages... I think just a "me" blog where I can feel free to write about whatever is on my mind at my own pace ("Blogging without Obligation" FTW!), I might combine all those things in one place and also have a place to write about philosophy, ideas, politics, art, science, education, and yes, even travel and home improvement!

    Anyway, I do enjoy your writing and blogging - you are a wonderful writer. And I'm not just saying that to butter you up so I can win a tree art card!! (though that would be nice, of course! :)


    I thought I was the only person who wrote out "Skillz" Do you also spell it like that in your head when you say it out loud, cuz I do?


  7. YOU"RE AWESOME, Evangeline! Congratulations on your blogaversary...and your holiday plans sound AMAZING..very inspiring! xoxo

  8. Oh, pick me!! Just came by via Flux Capacitor and must say you're quite the writer. Go create your art, but write too. And guess what? I just celebrated my first birthday too!! And have two giveaways. So come on by and say hello...

  9. Congratulations! Blooging is such a wonderful thing! I wish you many happy returns of the day and many more years with artful blogging!

    And I am in too! :)

  10. congratulations! I am looking forward to my 200th post!

  11. A big congratulations to you and your blog!! And definitely add me to the giveaway. The image here is gorgeous!

  12. Congrats from me as well!That's a wonderful milestone! Entering the blog world is like going through a wondrous curtain to a magical land of offerings- one that you can pick and choose from -whatever you like- whenever you like. And, the best part is all you need to do is give of yourself- a given for all that are here. Would love to be part of your giveaway drawing. Thanks so much for stopping by as well. Very much appreciated!! Here's to a super new year going forward- filled with whatever you choose!

  13. Wow, thanks everybody! :D
    *scribbles down names and throws them in hat*

    I am going to try to do a Ms. Moon and take the time to respond to everyone properly...laundry and sick kid first though. I'll be back.

  14. Oh fun. Hope I'm not too late. If I am it's okay. But this is beautiful. So glad I found your blog. Yay you!

  15. OK I am afraid laundry and sick kid won the day, and another sick kid is at home today (fall allergies, groan!). So suffice it to say that I am tickled pink to have you all here and participating. Can't wait to do the draw!

    "Me" and "Carolyn T" have also asked me to put their names in the hat for them via ning and email.

  16. i'm prolly waaaay to late...but me too please

    since i have done some lurking and reading in some of your older posts, do you get notice of those comments? i always wonder about that...not that i have said anything amazing, just letting you know i was there with you, reading and listening, you know


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