Wednesday, June 30, 2010

#23 Window


#23 Squeezed in a very quick journal page. There is something I like about it very much. Maybe I will try to refine it into something canvas-worthy.

What a busy couple of days! But an unbusy busy, because so much of it was by choice...the cupcakes, the Star Wars concert, the handmade gifts, cards and tags all my/our choice, and that's the kind of busy I can get behind. Especially when it is the last push before we are free and easy, summer breezy.

The house looks like a battle ground. The dross from a dozen projects scattered over tables, counters and floors. Used school supplies, binders, papers, notebooks left in little rubble heaps wherever a boy unpacked his backpack over several days of carting stuff home. The usual detritus of books and teacups and art supplies and cracker boxes and Lego. It may never come clean again.

But I am going to ignore the mess for one more morning. This blog post, breakfast then upstairs to get pretty, because I have a date with the DH this afternoon. He is taking the afternoon off work so that we can take the boys out for a customary last day of school treat, and before then we are going to run a few errands and just hang out together.

And yes, this is the last day of grade 4 for my boys. In past years I have gotten a little sentimental over these type of milestones, right now I am just happy we made it through. Happy the boys had a better year than last, and deeply gratified that all our (us as parents and advocates and all the teachers/speech pathologist/OT/school psych etc.) hard work has paid off. And I am already thinking forward to next year, compiling a mental list of everything we need to do to get ready over the next 2 time to get sentimental, I guess, or I am just not in that mind set. Besides now we get summer, and dear readers, as you may have noticed, I am really looking forward to it.


  1. Oh Summer! Enjoy yours and your boys, E - ours is screeching by, been out almost a month now and we've been so busy its still overload at times. But such good busy's, outdoors, movies, friends, day trips and day camps and on and on. Make some grand memories and relax when you can. Read a few good books and make some more of your amazing art. I just love coming to your page for the lovely art and the true words. My house will never be clean again either. But it's a good messy. (Yes I need the collections of butterfly and moth wings, and on and on!)
    Happy Summer, E.

  2. I agree with you, this piece has something special, I'm really drawn to it too. I hope you canvas it! :-) Happy sumer!

  3. Happy last day of School! and Happy First day of Summer Vacation! I love the idea of a special treat on the last day of school; what a wonderful tradition.

  4. Love the colors in this piece.


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