Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Part of a 2 page spread in the sister book. I am beginning to have a thing for wires. Off to purchase some in different finishes and gauges tonight (and maybe have a pint or two of Guinness while we're at it).

(And yes, the weekend was loverly. Now we're back at it, but that's OK.)

Song for the day: Float On by Modest Mouse


  1. That is amazing, Evangeline! Glad to hear the weekend went well.

  2. mmm Guinness and a wonderful song! Love it.

  3. I think this is my favourite piece to date. Do I say that every time? It's because it's true every time. I love the blue string and the texture. The texture! You are really good at texture. Optimism indeed.

  4. Thank you. :) Yes, optimism. I've got it square in my sights these days...although I find I need to constantly keep refocusing and adjusting my scope to keep it there. ;)

  5. This is calling my name. Love it!

  6. Love this piece- the wire, the color, the words and contrast of textures- all just great!

  7. Thanks for the comments. I really like your sister's project, and that plaster is yummy.
    I know you like texture too! The weather here has been so nice, only bold color will do it.....

  8. Love this. Really beautiful. And it's weekend again...


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